Friday, May 22, 2009

DJ Equal - “Kick Push Play” Mix Download

If you frequent NY hot spots like Southside, Tenjune, Mr. West or Kingswood, you might know about DJ Equal, who is regularly manning the decks at these and other fine clubs. But DJ Equal is not all about the bottle service life, he also has a passion for underground hip-hop and foundation funk and soul that is a foundation for the music, as well as much more, including the “skate life”. Thus, his new mix entitled Kick Push Play that is described by Equal in this blurb:
“The idea was to compile songs that I learned from watching skateboarding videos with my older brother when I was growing up. In the pre-internet days of Asheville, NC , there were only so many ways to hear new music. Today, these songs are obvious classics, but at the time they were gems I never would have heard otherwise. I took this opportunity to make a mix in which songs play almost the whole way through.
For anyone who watched a lot of 90s skate videos you will remember hearing these songs over and over. Special thanks to Tajai for hosting this mix! I never thought I’d have my own intro to 93 Til Infinity. Enjoy!”
Tracklist and back cover after the jump.
Download DJ Equal - Kick Push Play Here
1. Cymande - Brothers on the SlideGirl Skateboards - Mouse
2. Edwin Starr - WarInvisible Skateboards - Vanishing Point - Laban Pheidias
3. Cheryl Lynn - Got To Be RealReal Skateboards -The Real Video- James Kelch
4. Brand Nubian - Concerto In X MinorBirdhouse - Ravers - Ocean Howell
5. Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower101 - WWII Report Promo - Kris Markovich
6. Souls of Mischief - 93 Til Infinity (2009 Intro)411 Video Magazine #2 - Back To The City 5 Contests
7. Casual - Lose In The EndPlan B - Virtual Reality - Mike Carrol
8. Casual - A Little SomethingPlan B- Virtual Reality - Sean Sheffey
9. Extra Prolific - Cash Money411 Video Magazine 9 - Josh Kalis
10. Guru -No Time To Play411 Video Magazine 6 - Slam City Contest
11. Gangstarr - B.Y.S.411 Video Magazine 6 - Love Park Contest
12. Gangstarr - DYWCKElement Skateboards - Skypager - Montage
13. Bob James - NautilusGirl Skateboards - Mouse - Richard Mulder
14. Johnny Cash - Cocaine BluesReal Skateboards - The Real Video - Max Schaaf
15. Primus - DMVPlan B - Virtual Reality -Pat Duffy
16. Jimmy Cliff - You Can Get It If You Really WantWorld Industries - Trilogy- Ronnie Creager
17. Althea and Donna - Uptown Top RankingFTC - Penal Code 100A - Keith Hufnagel
18. Royal Flush - WorldwideGirl Skateboards - Mouse - Keenan Milton & Gino Iannucci
19. John Coltrane - Traneing InBlind Skateboards - Video Days - Mark Gonzales
20. Herbie Hancock - Watermelon ManGirl Skatebords - Mouse - Guy Mariano

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