Friday, March 13, 2009

Shepard Fairey x Nike x Lance Armstrong

• On March 7, Mark Parker and Lance Armstrong formally announced the Stages Project. Created to amplify sport, Stages redefines an athlete through the work of today's leading contemporary artists. Prior to this announcement, Armstrong led a group ride of 800+ cyclists that began at The Children's Hospital LA and ended at the Montalbán, closing down 2.1 miles of Sunset Blvd.

• Supporting the cause, Artist Shepard Fairey adorned The Montalbán with a unique piece inspired by Armstrong.

Also supporting the cause, Kyle Kelley (Orange20), Geoff McFedridge, James Bond (UNDFTD), Paul Mittleman (Stussy) and Eddie Cruz (UNDFTD) pose for quick photo before taking their place in the front pack with Lance.

City Council President Eric Garcetti, Lance Armstrong, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and Councilmember Tom LaBonge welcomed the crowd.

Hundreds of cyclists valet parked thier bikes in the parking lot just south of The Montalbán.
• A packed house was welcomed by Ben Stiller who invited Doug Ulman (LAF) and Armstrong to the stage.

Mark Parker joined Doug and Lance to announce Stages.

Soon after, Shepard Fairey took the stage to discuss The Montalbán's mural.
To close the evening, Lance Armstrong invited close friend Ben Harper and his new band Relentless7 to play a few songs.

• **Photo Credits: Lena Bautista, Susan Goldman, Zak Hawthorne, SamRod, Gilbert Smith and C.R. Stecyk


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